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AQW – AQW Heroes

Viewed 5,564xSold 3


AQW Rewards:
Unique Weapon
Gilded Axe of Honor
Blinding Axe of Purity

(As you are swinging the axe against the forces of evil, you will most likely feel almost twice as righteous doing so!)

  • If you get both the AQWorlds Heroes AND the AQW Villians T-Shirt you will UNLOCK the Incredibly Awesome Equilibrium’s Edge Scythe. Only unlocks if you own AQWorlds Villains T-Shirt as well!(If you are already a proud owner of the AQWorlds Villains T-Shirt Congratulations!. Then you already own one half of the Scythe and with this purchase you will unlock the Full Special Weapon. )Codes must be redeemed on the same account in order to unlock the Equilibrium’s Edge Scythe.

2 in stock



AQW Rewards:
Unique Weapon
Gilded Axe of Honor
Blinding Axe of Purity
(As you are swinging the axe against the forces of evil, you will most likely feel almost twice as righteous doing so!)
  • If you get both the AQWorlds Heroes AND the AQW Villians T-Shirt you will UNLOCK the Incredibly Awesome Equilibrium’s Edge Scythe. Only unlocks if you own AQWorlds Villains T-Shirt as well!(If you are already a proud owner of the AQWorlds Villains T-Shirt Congratulations!. Then you already own one half of the Scythe and with this purchase you will unlock the Full Special Weapon. )Codes must be redeemed on the same account in order to unlock the Equilibrium’s Edge Scythe.


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